ORBI Not Connecting To Internet

Orbi Not Connecting To The Internet. How To Fix This?

The Orbi not connecting to the internet is a serious issue that several users face. This issue could arise due to various reasons. The Orbi router is among the top mesh WiFi systems of all time. However, you can face various issues with your Orbi router. Whenever you start facing such issues, you must fix them as soon as possible.

The Orbi router not working is a common issue that is faced by various. When such issues occur, it requires immediate attention. Otherwise, it can cause permanent damage to the router. There are several methods you can use to fix the issue with the Orbi router.

If you are facing the Orbi router connecting to the internet, we’ve got you. We are here with this post to help users with the problem. We will discuss the reasons behind the router not working properly. After that, we will go over the troubleshooting methods you can use to fix the issues. We will also explain how to reset the Orbi router, as it can be helpful.

Reasons for the Orbi Router Not Working

There are several reasons responsible for the no internet issue. Some common causes for the problems are as follows:

  • Insufficient power source
  • Improper cable connection
  • The satellites are too far
  • Outdated firmware
  • Issue from ISP’s end
  • Technical glitches
ORBI Router Not Working

These are some factors responsible for the router no internet problem. Further, we will go over the troubleshooting methods you can use.

Troubleshooting Orbi Not Connecting to Internet Issue

Now that you know the reasons for the Orbi router not working issue, you can fix it easily. There are several methods you can use to troubleshoot the issue within the router. Some effective methods are as follows:

Inspect the Power Source

The router and the satellites must have a proper power source for optimal functioning. With the lack of a proper power supply, the router will not function at all. So, ensure to plug the router and satellites into a proper power outlet. Otherwise, the router will not function and the issue will persist. You can plug it into another power source if the issue persists.

Check the Cable Connections

The router and the modem should have a proper connection for the router to have sufficient internet. If the router and the modem don’t have a connection, you will not receive a proper internet connection. So, ensure to connect your router to the modem. If the connection is broken, you must reconnect the devices with another Ethernet cable.

Power Cycle the Router

You can also try power cycling the router to fix the issues within the device. To power cycle the router, power it off and unplug it from the power source. Give the router some time to cool down. After a few minutes, you can power the router back on. This should fix the Orbi router not working issue.

Check-in With your ISP

You also need to check in with your ISP, as there could be an issue from their end. All you need to do is contact them and inform them of the issue. If the issue is from their end, you need to wait till they fix it. Otherwise, you can just proceed with the next step.

Update the Firmware

The outdated firmware of the Orbi router is among the most essential procedures. When the firmware is not updated, several glitches arise. So, you need to update the firmware of the router whenever there’s one available. You can update the firmware from the web interface of the router. Once the firmware is updated, you check if the Orbi not connecting to the internet issue persists.

How to Reset Orbi Router?

If no other method is working, you must reset the router. Resetting the router will fix all glitches and bugs within the router. To reset the router, locate the reset button on the router. Now, press the reset button and hold it for some time. When the power LED on the router turns amber, you can release the reset button. The reset is successful and you can set it up from scratch.

Final Thoughts

We hope you understand the troubleshooting methods you can use to fix the Orbi not connecting to the internet issue. This blog covered the complete troubleshooting methods along with the reasons responsible for the issue. Still require further assistance with your Orbi router, get in touch with our team straight away.

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